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Our Business

Over Ten Times More Efficient Processing

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What they say


Mr. S Gopala Rao, comes from the stables of the Defence Research and Development Organisation, Ministry of Defence. He served the DRDO for over 33 years and retired as the Project Director, Scientist “F” at Aeronautical Development Establishment. He was responsible for the design of Avionics and UAV Command Equipment for Airborne and Ground Control Stations. Command Encoder, Decoder for Uplink and Downlink, Ranging Equipment for Distance Measurement as a part of UAV tracking systems are few of the modules. He was also responsible for the Integration of Ground Control and Tracking System and as a Group Leader he executed Financial Planning and Management. He also closely worked with service agencies such as Integrated Test Range, Balasore, Aeronautical Test Range, Chitradurga among others for testing and field trials of Projects. Post his Retirement, he consulted for the Planning of Aeronautical Test Range Tracking RADAR and ATC Equipment Specifications. Mr. S Gopala Rao brings to this team a vast experience in the field of Avionics and UAV’s. He guides the team on aspects of Design, Technology and Infrastructure.

S Gopala Rao Art Director

"Tesnasce tur ridiculus mus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consect etur eres tuo adipisci ngelitniutull amc orper leo, get euismod orcite algo este. Cum sociis natoque penatib usetmagnawi dis parturient."

Nathaly Ston Art Director

"Eget euismod orcite algo este. Cum sociis natoque penatibus etmag nadis parturient moni, tesnasce tur ridiculus mus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consect etur eres tuo adipiscing elit. Iniutull amc orper leo."

William Jones Designer


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Lorem Ipsum aenean commo dolig. Proin qual de suis erestopius. liqueenean sollicituin. Orem quis bibendum auct ornisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem deroin qual de suis opiuserest.


Lorem Ipsum aenean commo dolig. Proin qual de suis erestopius. liqueenean sollicituin. Orem quis bibendum auct ornisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem deroin qual de suis opiuserest.